What is Love? What is Marriage?
One day, ayu asked his teacher, "What is love? How can I find it?
His teacher answered, There is a vast wheat field in front of it. And you can walk without pulling back, then just take a twig. If you find a branch that you think is the most amazing, then you have found love "
Plato walked forward, and before long, he returned empty-handed, without bringing anything.
His teacher asked, "Why did you not bring a single twig?"
ayu answered, "I can only take one course, and while walking should not be pulled back (turn)"
Actually I have found the most amazing, but I do not know if there is even more remarkable in ahead, so I did not pick it. As I walked further, I realized that the branches that I saw were not as good as the last branch, so I did not pick in the end "His teacher then said" So it's love "
On another day, ayu asked his teacher, "What is marriage? How can I find it? "
His teacher replied: "There is a lush forest in front of it. Can walk without pulling back (turns) and you can only cut down one tree. And cut down if you find the tallest trees, then you have found marriage "
Plato walked forward, and before long, he returned with a tree. The tree is a tree that is not fresh / fertile, and not too high. The tree was mediocre. His teacher asked, "Why did you cut the tree like that?"
ayu replied, "because based on previous experience, after exploring nearly half the forest, I found myself back with empty hands.
So then on this, I see this tree, and I think it is not so bad, so I decided to cut them down and bring it here. I do not want to eliminate the chance to get it "
Gurunyapun then replied, "And yes, that's marriage"
Love the look, the more was not found. The love in my heart, when it can resist the urge and hope that more.
When an excess of hope and desire for love, then gained is nothingness ... there is nothing gained, and can not be pushed back again.
Time and time can not be played back. Accept what love is.
Love is the continuation of the marriage. Is the process of getting a chance, when you find the best among the options, it will reduce the chance to get it, when you get to perfection, then sia2lah your time in getting the marriage, because, in fact it is the perfection of the vacuum.
What is the true meaning "of Marriage" in the Quran?
Marriage, The "N" Islam: What is the meaning of truth?
By Abdullah Al Araby
Those who are proficient in Arabic and read the Qur'an in the original Arabic, usually shocked when I read the translation in a foreign language. They realize how much of a discrepancy between the original language with translation. It was not a regular unintentional errors. This suggests that the discrepancy is merely routine to fool the reader. The purpose is to divert the attention translators of foreign readers (who do not understand Idioms. Arab) and the followers of Islam calon2 all its brutality and confusion of the Quran.
Words, concepts and certain statements in the original Arabic Quran sound strange to foreign readers. Arabic-speaking Muslim Orang2 heck was used to be the contents of the Qur'an. However, if the Qur'an is translated exactly like the original, the result will be surprising. You'll read a book full of strange statements with filthy language. What should be the book that "holy" book will look like porn, unfit for family activities and reading material for children.
Muslim translator facing this dilemma. They are in a position that requires them to act smart, but detailed. It takes a lot of patching and polishing to make translations of the Quran as a "holy" book. The goal is to offer a version of the Qur'an in the outside world that can pull away from people instead of Islam.
A deliberate mistranslation of the Quran is a major problem that must be examined in a separate thesis. For clarity, we will look at some examples.
In Sura 112:1
"Say: He is Allah, the One and satu2nya ...". In the original Arabic, the word "satu2nya" is translated in this verse is actually the "One." Translator could not translate this literally, since this would imply "shirk" (associating other gods with Allah).
In Sura 33:056
"Verily Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O ye who believe, ask for blessings for the Prophet and say hello to him homage. "
Kata2 "give thanks" was originally "pray". The translator think it is appropriate to say that Allah and His angels pray on the prophet Mohammed, so he had to change it to "give thanks."
This is an example of the difficulties faced kadang2 Qur'an translators to translate exactly, and how they should change the original text to make it more reasonable. We are not trying to say that Muslims believe that Muslims pray to Allah or Muhammad.
In Sura 24: 30, & 31
"Tell orang2 believe that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah knows everything they do ... And tell wanita2 believe that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty ... ";
The word "humility" was originally "their genitals" (genitals) for men and women. The translator believes kata2 unfit to translate this literally.
In Sura 4:34
"The women that you worried about nusyuznya, then Advise them (first), (two) separate them in their beds, (And last) beat them. Then if they mentaatimu, so do not look for a way to troubling. Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. "
This verse actually entitles a husband to beat his wife if, in his opinion, she did not obey. The translator attempted to reduce the shocking teachings and change it with his own kata2nya. First, he introduced the concept that the discipline is divided into three stages: the first, second, and last. Rate this stage is not in the original language of Arabic. This paragraph originally suggested that the husband may choose one option, if he thinks his wife is disobedient. This stage was created by the guile interpreter. Even his wife's hard-hitting law is also deceptive. Said quietly hitting nothing in the Quran in Arabic. Sometimes a translator trying to soften the concept of wife beating by adding kata2 "quietly". Whereas the original Arabic Qur'an says unequivocally: "beat them", period.
Another word in the list of serious translation is the Arabic word "Nikah". It is translated as "marriage". But for those who are fluent in Arabic of course understand that the word "marriage" is not an exact translation for "marriage". The Arabic word for "marriage" is actually "Zawaq", not "marriage". Zawaq word is used in the Qur'an in ayat2 the following:
"So when Zaid had put an end to the purposes of his wife (divorce), we kawinkan you with him so there is no objection to the muk'min to (marrying) the wives of their adopted children, adopted children when it has completed your exit than his wife. And the ordinance of God: it was inevitable. "Sura 33: 37
The Arabic word "Nikah" is also translated as "marriage" in many other verses in the Qur'an. This is an example:
"And if you fear you will not be able to do justice to the (right) female orphans (if ye marry), these women, then marry (other) that you enjoy: two, three or four." Sura 4: 3
"Men who commit adultery are not married but the woman taken in adultery, or women who are polytheists, and the adulterous woman is not married but the man who committed adultery or idolatrous men, and so it is forbidden for those who muk'min oran . "Sura 24: 3
"If you ask for something (needs) to them (the wives of the Prophet), then ask for from behind the veil. Such a way that it is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And you should not hurt (heart) the Messenger of Allah and not (also) to marry his wives for ever after he died. Surely this thing is very large (sin) in the sight of Allah. "Sura 33: 53
Ayat2 that also includes the word Nikah (the one translated by sengajar as "marriage") is:
Sura 2: 221, 230, 232, 235 & 237; Sura 4: 6, 22, 25 & 127; Sura 24:3, 27, 32, 33, 60 & 127; Sura 33: 49 & 50.
Meaning of the word "Marriage"
Whether in fact the word "Marriage"? Arabic version of the word Marriage is NOT THE SAME MEANING in "Marriage of husband and wife" (Qur'an Indonesia version). Let's explore what these words from the classic reference buku2 ahli2 Islam Islam in the opinion of the famous.
Dictionary of Istilah2 Qur'an and means, Sheik Mohammed Al Mousa Ben Kaleeby, Cairo, Maktabat Al Adab, 2002:
Definition of "Marriage" is the "penetration": penetration of some object by other objects.
An example is the seed (N) of land or drowsiness (N) eyes. It also can mean two things each kink. Examples of trees (N) of each other, it means pohon2 intertwined.
From the Book of Al Nikah. Comments Imam Ahmed Hagar Ben Ali Ben Al Askalani, Beirut, Dar Al Balagha, 1986:
"Marriage" means "to grasp or penetrate". When it is pronounced "Nokh" This means a woman's vagina. It is mainly used in the context of "sexual intercourse." When it was used in a marriage, it is because sex is a marital obligation. Al Fassi said, "If he says a man (N) of a woman, it means he married her, and if he says a man (N) his wife, this means she had sex with his wife."
This word can also be used metaphorically as meaning:
rain water (N) of land, or drowsiness (N) eyes, or seeds (N) soil, or gravel (N) camel footprints. If used in the context of marriage, this means that sexual intercourse is the destination wedding. Is compulsory in marriage to "taste the honey" (a statement that Islam means Sunday).
That word is commonly used in the Qur'an except in the verse which reads, "And test the orphans until they are old enough to (N)" Sura 4:6. In this paragraph, the word "Marriage" associated with puberty. Sekolah2 Shafia and Hanafi law uses the word Marriage to explain that sexual intercourse has occurred. And when used in this figure of speech meaning of marriage. The reason to use different this is due to the use of the word "fuck" could offend, so the word is used figuratively to replace it.
There's the right word to translate the Arabic word "MARRIAGE (husband and wife)", namely "ZAWAQ". However, the word "Marriage", which are commonly used in the translation of the Quran which means marriage, actually contain a completely different meaning. "Nikah" implies sexual pressures only between men and women. This word is not synonymous with marriage husband and wife and even undermined the meaning of the marriage relationship of husband and wife.
ZAWAQ = marriage of husband and wife
NIKAH = sex (fuck) or male genitalia penetrate the female vagina
This is another proof of how Islam despise marriage and the role of women in it. It also reinforces the concept of Islam that the primary role of women in Islam is just as sex objects, created to satisfy the carnal desires of the husband.
Why? If you ask Muslims must answer:
"Allah knows best."
This is the true meaning of marriage, I'm happy to read this post. Thank you for sharing.
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