What is the true meaning "of Marriage" in the Quran?

What is Love? What is Marriage?

One day, ayu asked his teacher, "What is love? How can I find it?

His teacher answered, There is a vast wheat field in front of it. And you can walk without pulling back, then just take a twig. If you find a branch that you think is the most amazing, then you have found love "

Plato walked forward, and before long, he returned empty-handed, without bringing anything.

His teacher asked, "Why did you not bring a single twig?"
ayu answered, "I can only take one course, and while walking should not be pulled back (turn)"

Actually I have found the most amazing, but I do not know if there is even more remarkable in ahead, so I did not pick it. As I walked further, I realized that the branches that I saw were not as good as the last branch, so I did not pick in the end "His teacher then said" So it's love "

On another day, ayu asked his teacher, "What is marriage? How can I find it? "

His teacher replied: "There is a lush forest in front of it. Can walk without pulling back (turns) and you can only cut down one tree. And cut down if you find the tallest trees, then you have found marriage "
Plato walked forward, and before long, he returned with a tree. The tree is a tree that is not fresh / fertile, and not too high. The tree was mediocre. His teacher asked, "Why did you cut the tree like that?"

ayu replied, "because based on previous experience, after exploring nearly half the forest, I found myself back with empty hands.

So then on this, I see this tree, and I think it is not so bad, so I decided to cut them down and bring it here. I do not want to eliminate the chance to get it "

Gurunyapun then replied, "And yes, that's marriage"

Love the look, the more was not found. The love in my heart, when it can resist the urge and hope that more.
When an excess of hope and desire for love, then gained is nothingness ... there is nothing gained, and can not be pushed back again.
Time and time can not be played back. Accept what love is.

Love is the continuation of the marriage. Is the process of getting a chance, when you find the best among the options, it will reduce the chance to get it, when you get to perfection, then sia2lah your time in getting the marriage, because, in fact it is the perfection of the vacuum.

What is the true meaning "of Marriage" in the Quran?

Marriage, The "N" Islam: What is the meaning of truth?
By Abdullah Al Araby

Those who are proficient in Arabic and read the Qur'an in the original Arabic, usually shocked when I read the translation in a foreign language. They realize how much of a discrepancy between the original language with translation. It was not a regular unintentional errors. This suggests that the discrepancy is merely routine to fool the reader. The purpose is to divert the attention translators of foreign readers (who do not understand Idioms. Arab) and the followers of Islam calon2 all its brutality and confusion of the Quran.

Words, concepts and certain statements in the original Arabic Quran sound strange to foreign readers. Arabic-speaking Muslim Orang2 heck was used to be the contents of the Qur'an. However, if the Qur'an is translated exactly like the original, the result will be surprising. You'll read a book full of strange statements with filthy language. What should be the book that "holy" book will look like porn, unfit for family activities and reading material for children.

Muslim translator facing this dilemma. They are in a position that requires them to act smart, but detailed. It takes a lot of patching and polishing to make translations of the Quran as a "holy" book. The goal is to offer a version of the Qur'an in the outside world that can pull away from people instead of Islam.

A deliberate mistranslation of the Quran is a major problem that must be examined in a separate thesis. For clarity, we will look at some examples.

In Sura 112:1
"Say: He is Allah, the One and satu2nya ...". In the original Arabic, the word "satu2nya" is translated in this verse is actually the "One." Translator could not translate this literally, since this would imply "shirk" (associating other gods with Allah).

In Sura 33:056
"Verily Allah and His angels send blessings to the Prophet. O ye who believe, ask for blessings for the Prophet and say hello to him homage. "

Kata2 "give thanks" was originally "pray". The translator think it is appropriate to say that Allah and His angels pray on the prophet Mohammed, so he had to change it to "give thanks."

This is an example of the difficulties faced kadang2 Qur'an translators to translate exactly, and how they should change the original text to make it more reasonable. We are not trying to say that Muslims believe that Muslims pray to Allah or Muhammad.

In Sura 24: 30, & 31
"Tell orang2 believe that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: and Allah knows everything they do ... And tell wanita2 believe that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty ... ";

The word "humility" was originally "their genitals" (genitals) for men and women. The translator believes kata2 unfit to translate this literally.

In Sura 4:34
"The women that you worried about nusyuznya, then Advise them (first), (two) separate them in their beds, (And last) beat them. Then if they mentaatimu, so do not look for a way to troubling. Allah is ever High Exalted, Great. "

This verse actually entitles a husband to beat his wife if, in his opinion, she did not obey. The translator attempted to reduce the shocking teachings and change it with his own kata2nya. First, he introduced the concept that the discipline is divided into three stages: the first, second, and last. Rate this stage is not in the original language of Arabic. This paragraph originally suggested that the husband may choose one option, if he thinks his wife is disobedient. This stage was created by the guile interpreter. Even his wife's hard-hitting law is also deceptive. Said quietly hitting nothing in the Quran in Arabic. Sometimes a translator trying to soften the concept of wife beating by adding kata2 "quietly". Whereas the original Arabic Qur'an says unequivocally: "beat them", period.

Another word in the list of serious translation is the Arabic word "Nikah". It is translated as "marriage". But for those who are fluent in Arabic of course understand that the word "marriage" is not an exact translation for "marriage". The Arabic word for "marriage" is actually "Zawaq", not "marriage". Zawaq word is used in the Qur'an in ayat2 the following:

"So when Zaid had put an end to the purposes of his wife (divorce), we kawinkan you with him so there is no objection to the muk'min to (marrying) the wives of their adopted children, adopted children when it has completed your exit than his wife. And the ordinance of God: it was inevitable. "Sura 33: 37

The Arabic word "Nikah" is also translated as "marriage" in many other verses in the Qur'an. This is an example:

"And if you fear you will not be able to do justice to the (right) female orphans (if ye marry), these women, then marry (other) that you enjoy: two, three or four." Sura 4: 3

"Men who commit adultery are not married but the woman taken in adultery, or women who are polytheists, and the adulterous woman is not married but the man who committed adultery or idolatrous men, and so it is forbidden for those who muk'min oran . "Sura 24: 3

"If you ask for something (needs) to them (the wives of the Prophet), then ask for from behind the veil. Such a way that it is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And you should not hurt (heart) the Messenger of Allah and not (also) to marry his wives for ever after he died. Surely this thing is very large (sin) in the sight of Allah. "Sura 33: 53

Ayat2 that also includes the word Nikah (the one translated by sengajar as "marriage") is:
Sura 2: 221, 230, 232, 235 & 237; Sura 4: 6, 22, 25 & 127; Sura 24:3, 27, 32, 33, 60 & 127; Sura 33: 49 & 50.

Meaning of the word "Marriage"

Whether in fact the word "Marriage"? Arabic version of the word Marriage is NOT THE SAME MEANING in "Marriage of husband and wife" (Qur'an Indonesia version). Let's explore what these words from the classic reference buku2 ahli2 Islam Islam in the opinion of the famous.

Dictionary of Istilah2 Qur'an and means, Sheik Mohammed Al Mousa Ben Kaleeby, Cairo, Maktabat Al Adab, 2002:
Definition of "Marriage" is the "penetration": penetration of some object by other objects.
An example is the seed (N) of land or drowsiness (N) eyes. It also can mean two things each kink. Examples of trees (N) of each other, it means pohon2 intertwined.

From the Book of Al Nikah. Comments Imam Ahmed Hagar Ben Ali Ben Al Askalani, Beirut, Dar Al Balagha, 1986:
"Marriage" means "to grasp or penetrate". When it is pronounced "Nokh" This means a woman's vagina. It is mainly used in the context of "sexual intercourse." When it was used in a marriage, it is because sex is a marital obligation. Al Fassi said, "If he says a man (N) of a woman, it means he married her, and if he says a man (N) his wife, this means she had sex with his wife."

This word can also be used metaphorically as meaning:
rain water (N) of land, or drowsiness (N) eyes, or seeds (N) soil, or gravel (N) camel footprints. If used in the context of marriage, this means that sexual intercourse is the destination wedding. Is compulsory in marriage to "taste the honey" (a statement that Islam means Sunday).

That word is commonly used in the Qur'an except in the verse which reads, "And test the orphans until they are old enough to (N)" Sura 4:6. In this paragraph, the word "Marriage" associated with puberty. Sekolah2 Shafia and Hanafi law uses the word Marriage to explain that sexual intercourse has occurred. And when used in this figure of speech meaning of marriage. The reason to use different this is due to the use of the word "fuck" could offend, so the word is used figuratively to replace it.

There's the right word to translate the Arabic word "MARRIAGE (husband and wife)", namely "ZAWAQ". However, the word "Marriage", which are commonly used in the translation of the Quran which means marriage, actually contain a completely different meaning. "Nikah" implies sexual pressures only between men and women. This word is not synonymous with marriage husband and wife and even undermined the meaning of the marriage relationship of husband and wife.

ZAWAQ = marriage of husband and wife
NIKAH = sex (fuck) or male genitalia penetrate the female vagina

This is another proof of how Islam despise marriage and the role of women in it. It also reinforces the concept of Islam that the primary role of women in Islam is just as sex objects, created to satisfy the carnal desires of the husband.

Why? If you ask Muslims must answer:
"Allah knows best."

”Did I Marry The Right Person ?"

”Did I Marry The Right Person ?"
Cerita di bawah ini sangat bagus, bagi yang masih single maupun yang sudah menikah. Bagi mereka yang masih single bisa mengambil pelajaran dari cerita ini, dan bagi yang sudah menikah cerita ini bisa jadi guideline untuk meningkatkan ikatan pernikahan yang udah dijalani.

"Apakah saya menikah dengan orang yang tepat ?"

Dalam sebuah seminar rumah tangga, seseorang audience tiba-tiba melontarkan pertanyaan yang sangat lumrah, "Bagaimana saya tahu kalo saya menikah dengan orang yang tepat ?" Saya melihat ada seorang lelaki bertubuh besar duduk di sebelahnya jadi saya menjawab "Ya.. tergantung. Apakah pria disebelah anda itu suami anda ?"

Dengan sangat serius dia balik bertanya "Bagaimana anda tahu ? !"
"Biarkan saya jawab pertanyaan yang sangat membebani ini."

Inilah jawabannya …
SETIAP ikatan memiliki siklus. Pada saat-saat awal sebuah hubungan, anda merasakan jatuh cinta dengan pasangan anda. Telpon darinya selalu ditunggu-tunggu, begitu merindukan belaian sayangnya, dan begitu menyukai perubahan sikap-sikapnya yang bersemangat begitu menyenangkan.

Jatuh cinta kepada pasangan bukanlah hal yang sulit. Jatuh cinta merupakan hal yang sangat alami dan pengalaman yang begitu spontan. Nggak perlu berbuat apapun ... Makanya dikatakan "jatuh" cinta ...

Orang yang sedang kasmaran kadang mengatakan "aku mabuk cinta". Bayangkan ekspresi tersebut ! Seakan-akan anda sedang berdiri tanpa melakukan apapun lalu tiba-tiba sesuatu datang dan terjadi begitu saja pada anda. Jatuh cinta itu mudah. Sesuatu yang pasif dan spontan. Tapi … setelah beberapa tahun perkawinan, gempita cinta itu pun akan pudar. Perubahan ini merupakan siklus alamiah dan terjadi pada SEMUA ikatan. Perlahan tapi pasti … telpon darinya menjadi hal yang merepotkan, belaiannya nggak selalu diharapkan dan sikap-sikapnya yang besemangat bukannya jadi hal yang manis tapi malah nambahin penat yang ada.

Gejala-gejala pada tahapan ini bervariasi pada masing-masing individu. Namun bila anda memikirkan tentang rumah tangga anda, anda akan mendapati perbedaaan yang dramatis antara tahap awal ikatan, pada saat anda jatuh cinta, dengan kepenatan-kepenatan bahkan kemarahan pada tahapan-tahapan selanjutnya.

Dan pada situasi inilah pertanyaan "Did I marry the right person ?" mulai muncul, baik dari anda atau dari pasangan anda, atau dari keduanya.
Nah lho !

Dan ketika anda maupun pasangan anda mencoba merefleksikan eforia cinta yang pernah terjadi, anda mungkin mulai berhasrat menyelami eforia-eforia cinta itu dengan orang lain. Dan ketika pernikahan itu akhirnya kandas. Masing-masing sibuk menyalahkan pasangannya atas ketidakbahagiaan itu dan mencari pelampiasan di luar. Berbagai macam cara, bentuk dan ukuran untuk pelampiasan ini, menginkari kesetiaan merupakan hal yang paling jelas. Sebagian orang memilih untuk menyibukan diri dengan pekerjaannya, hobinya, pertemanannya, nonton TV hingga merasa bosan, ataupun hal-hal yang menyolok lainnya.

Tapi tahu tidak ? Bahwa jawaban atas dilema ini tidak ada di luar, justru jawaban ini hanya ada di dalam pernikahan itu sendiri. Mencari pelarian ? Silahkan. Anda bisa ! Bisa saja ataupun boleh saja anda mencari pelarian. Mungkin pada saat itu anda akan merasa lebih baik. Tapi itu bersifat temporer, karena setelah beberapa tahun anda akan mengalami kondisi yang sama ( seperti sebelumnya pada perkawinan anda ).

Karena ( pahamilah dengan seksama hal ini ) :

Cinta bukanlah hal yang PASIF ataupun pengalaman yang spontan. Cinta TIDAK AKAN PERNAH begitu saja terjadi. Kita tidak akan bisa MENEMUKAN cinta yang selamanya, tapi kita harus MENGUSAHAKANNYA dari hari ke hari.

Benar juga ungkapan "diperbudak cinta" Karena cinta itu BUTUH waktu, usaha, dan energi. Dan yang paling penting, cinta itu butuh sikap BIJAK. Kita harus tahu benar APA YANG HARUS DILAKUKAN agar rumah tangga berjalan dengan baik. Jangan membuat kesalahan untuk hal yang satu ini. Cinta bukanlah MISTERI.
Ada beberapa hal spesifik yang bisa dilakukan ( dengan ataupun tanpa pasangan anda ) agar rumah tangga berjalan lancar. Sama halnya dengan hukum alam pada ilmu fĂ­sika ( seperti gaya Gravitasi ), dalam suatu ikatan rumah tangga juga ada hukumnya. Sama halnya dengan diet yang tepat dan olahraga yang benar dapat membuat tubuh kita lebih kuat. Beberapa kebiasaan dalam hubungan rumah tangga juga DAPAT membuat rumah tangga itu lebih kuat. Ini merupakan reaksi sebab akibat. Jika kita tahu dan mau menerapkan hukum-hukum tersebut, tentulah kita bisa "MEMBUAT" cinta bukan "JATUH". Karena cinta dalam pernikahan sesungguhnya merupakan sebuah DECISION, dan bukan cuma PERASAAN !

”Kita ada di dunia bukan untuk mencari seseorang yang sempurna untuk dicintai TETAPI untuk belajar mencintai orang yang tidak sempurna dengan cara yang sempurna
Kata kunci: marry right person
3 komentar

Mama, Ibu, Emak, Bunda... Jan 4, '10 4:50 AM
untuk semuanya

... MAMA...

Mama melahirkan kita sambil menangis kesakitan. Masihkah kita menyakitkannya?
Masih mampukah kita tertawa melihat penderitaannya?
Mencaci makinya? Melawannya?
Memukulnya? Mengacuhkannya?

Mama tidak pernah mengeluh membersihkan kotoran kita waktu masih kecil,
Memberikan ASI waktu kita bayi,
Mencuci celana kotor kita,
Menahan derita,
Menggendong kita sendirian.

Di saat mamamu tidur, coba kamu lihat matanya dan bayangkan matanya takkan terbuka untuk selamanya.. tangannya tak dapat hapuskan airmatamu dan tiada lagi nasihat yang sering kita abaikan.. bayangkan mamamu sudah tiada.. apakah kamu cukup membahagiakannya.. apakah kamu pernah berfikir bertapa besar pengorbanannya semenjak kamu berada di dalam perutnya... kirim pesan ini pada semua... itupun kalau kamu sayang mamamu dan mau mengingatkan teman2mu.

Ingat-ingatlah lima aturan sederhana untuk menjadi bahagia:

1... Bebaskan hatimu dari rasa benci.
2.. Bebaskan pikiranmu dari segala kekuatiran.
3. Hiduplah dengan sederhana.
4. Berikan lebih banyak (give more).
5. Jangan terlalu banyak mengharap (expect less).

SADARILAH bahwa di dunia ini tidak ada 1 orang pun yang mau mati demi MAMA, tetapi...
Beliau justru satu-satunya orang yang bersedia mati untuk melahirkan kita.

Mama bukan tempat penititipan cucunya disaat anda jalan jalan,

tetapi disaat beliau sudah tua dan tak bertenaga, yang beliau butuhkan sekarang adalah perhatian anda , datang & hampiri dia , bertanyalah bagaimana kesehatannya saat ini dan dengarlah curhatnya, temani dia disaat dia membutuhkan anda, itu saja.... beliau sudah bahagia sekali............dan melupakan semua hutang anda kepadanya

Photo Coasters

"Something Blue" Timeless Glass Photo Coasters

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Wednesday, March 14.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 27067BL

1 - 23 $3.25
24 - 71 $2.90
72 - 143 $2.65
144 or more $2.40

Celebrate the time honored tradition of “something blue,” as you offer something very special to your guests and bring an elegant pop of color to your reception tables. Perfect for your favorite black and white photo or used as a place card holder, these blue glass coaster favors make a beautiful impression. Features and facts:

Exquisite glass coasters with a timeless blue and delicate diamond shaped pattern
Photo space measures approximately 2" h x 1 5/8" w
Four protective "feet" prevent surface damage
Coaster measures 3 1/2" x 3 1/2"
Clear gift box is accented with a white-organza ribbon
Gift box measures approximately 3 1/2" square
Sold as a set of two

"Good Wishes" Heart Glass Coasters

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Wednesday, March 14.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 27025NA
1 - 23 $2.70
24 - 71 $2.40
72 - 143 $2.20
144 or more $1.99

It’s funny how some words become more important on special occasions. Words like joy, hope, faith, bliss, honor, forever, and love seem more permanent, more certain, on a wedding day. These charming glass heart-shaped coasters carry these words of love beautifully etched across their top, reminding your guests of your important day. The many elegant fonts used for each word convey timeless sophistication. Each favor contains a set of two coasters and arrives packaged with a sheer organza ribbon, which makes a delightful presentation to your guests. Coasters measure 3.5” by 3.5”.

"Meant to Bee" Personalized Clover Honey (Set of 12)

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Friday, March 16.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 19018NA-KIT
2 - 3 sets of 12 $43.20
4 - 11 sets of 12 $39.60
12 or more sets of 12 $36.00

Kisses sweeter than honey--especially that single most important kiss on your day of days! Everyone can see you were meant to be, and Kate Aspen's petite present of golden-rich clover honey sends all your guests home with that heartfelt, lasting message. Features and facts:

1 3/4 oz. jar of gourmet clover honey with personalized label and white screw-on lid
Jar measures 2" h x 1 3/4" in diameter
Personalized label is a honeycomb pattern in honey-gold and white with your names and wedding date
Gift presentation includes a white-organza ribbon and bow and a bronze bee charm
Some assembly required

“Baby On Board” Expandable Pen in Car Seat Packaging

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Wednesday, March 14.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 18015NA
1 - 11 $3.90
12 - 47 $3.50
48 - 95 $3.20
96 or more $2.90

Sitting snug as a hug in a color-rich car seat is the “write” baby shower favor to drive everyone wild! This bundled-up baby heading down life’s highway is actually an expandable pen! The multi-colored, polka-dotted “baby blanket” is the base for the pen, and baby’s almost-bald head becomes the top of the colorful—yellow, light-green, pink and blue—telescoping pen. Cleverly contained in clear, gift-box packaging, this “noteworthy” baby rides comfortably in a cute, cardboard car seat covered with polka dots that match baby’s blanket. The pen is approximately 3” high and 5 ½” high when expanded. The gift box measures 3” high, 2 ¼” deep and 1 ¾” wide.

"It’s About Time - Baby is Brewing" Teapot Timer

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Wednesday, March 14.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 18011NA
1 - 11 $5.40
12 - 47 $4.80
48 - 95 $4.40
96 or more $4.00
Brew up a good time at the baby shower with this teapot timer. This baby shower favor is a whimsical reminder that it’s about time for the new mom to give birth. This adorable keepsake features a dainty little tea kettle with a timer that twists at the bottom to countdown any interval of time from one to 60 minutes. It’s packaged in a clear top gift box showcasing the gift from all angles. Bottom of box features cute graphic of baby in teacup with phrase “Baby is Brewing.” Box is wrapped with sheer white organza ribbon with matching “It’s About Time” tag attached. Gift box measures 3.5" x 3.5".

“Fall Impressions” Glass Photo Coasters -Set of 2

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Wednesday, March 14.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 27021BG
1 - 23 $2.80
24 - 71 $2.50
72 - 143 $2.30
144 or more $2.10

You only get one chance to make a lasting impression and when presentation is crucial, give these lovely “Fall Impressions” glass photo coasters. These practical and elegant coasters leave guests with the wonderful memories of fall and the romance of the evening. With imprints of fall leaves, the rich burgundy coasters add flair to any Autumn wedding reception, bridal shower or outdoor event. Photo coasters are crafted of heavy glass, with four padded "feet" to protect surfaces and can later be used by guests to insert their own photos. Photo coasters can be used in any number of ways at the event: framing a photo of the happy couple, as a placecard holder or simply displaying the beautiful "For You" message to guests. Each favor is packaged as a set of two coasters and measures approximately 3.5" x 3.5" and fits photos approx. 2" x 1.75".

"Unexpected Treasures!" Favor Tin with Pre-Tied Organza Bow (Set of 12)

Availability: If you order today, the item will leave our warehouse by Friday, March 16.
When Will I Receive It?
Item: 14030NA
1 - 2 sets of 12 $28.85
3 - 5 sets of 12 $25.25
6 - 11 sets of 12 $24.20
12 or more sets of 12 $21.99
Your guests will have fun guessing the mysterious surprise they’ll find within Kate Aspen’s adorable and customizable “Unexpected Treasures!” favor tins. You’ll have fun choosing what goes in them and on them. Fill your tins with anything you’d like—mints, chocolates, potpourri, your vows or seashells to complement a beach wedding. Then personalize each favor to express your theme, the season or your own trendsetting style with a choice of many distinctive covers that wrap around the tin. Whether upscale, trendy, fun or traditional, you’ll find the perfect design for your Vegas nuptials, or your wine-themed wedding, or your ceremony by the sea and every possibility in between. The pleasure is all yours! The 1.75”-square tin comes with a sheer organza bow pre-tied to save you time as you prepare for your event. Sold as a set of 12 and some assembly required.

Wedding Backdrops


Wedding Backdrops
Creating a strong focal point at your wedding reception and ceremony is really one of the most crucial elements of wedding design. Our stunning wedding backdrop designs will do just that! Our backdrops go all the way up to the ceiling for the ultimate WOW factor!

Custom designed for you according to your decor style, colour theme, & venue. We will create a backdrop to work with your colour theme, in your choice of material & size requirements.

What's included?

Your choice of fabrics
Your choice of colours (more than 40 colour choices) - we'll help with colour suggestions
Your choice of lighting (clear or coloured or both!)
Installation and removal after your wedding (the only thing you have to do is enjoy yourself - we take care of all the work)
Adorn your backdrop with your choice of accessories such as crystal curtains, crystal columns, florals, lanterns, extended wall draping, etc...









Care Instructions:
Machine wash in warm water (fabric softener is recommended). Machine dry at low temperature and remove as soon as the cycle is complete. If ironing is required, use a warm iron. NOTE: Remove immediately dry cycle to avoid wrinkles!

Color selection:
Please see color chart below for available colors. Color availability subject to change without prior notice. If the color chosen is not available or out we will contact you shortly.

Processing time:
Approximately 10 working days. Processing time can extend up to 14 working days or more during peak season. Please also factor in additional UPS shipping transit time.

Wedding Catering

Tips on choosing cheap wedding catering
Many of us are as important to plan a wedding feast. And 30-50 percent of your budget is spent on the reception, choose a good caterer is a must.

# The first step
Before you start looking for catering, you have already set the reception venue, date and time for sure. Sometimes there is also provide catering services when you rent a building where the reception. While you are catering to decide which one would you use, also ask for recommendations from friends or family.

# Know Your Budget
To decide your catering great budget, ask yourself how important the role of food and beverages in your marriage. Because there are various types of reception you should consider.
Catering costs are determined by the number of invited guests, the number of foods and beverages that you choose, and how the dishes will be served, as well as what the catering expertise.
# Find out by telephone
before you spend the time to ask directly, ask some basic questions over the phone or have catering services and can be contacted via ONLINE Yahoo Msg. Usually a catering menu packages offer, ask about this, too, and if you do not want to use a package you can ask what facilities are what you get with the budget you have.
# tasting
There are some catering services that give you an example on the menu, but there is also a give a sample when you have agreed on cooperation. Find references about the catering services you will use, including the menus they offer.

Wedding Car

Marriage is a special moment that only happens once in a lifetime. This historic day should be prepared to perfection. For that we are here as one of the important components in a wedding ceremony. Your car choice will determine your comfortduring the day H. Decide wisely as needed and must not choose.

Jakarta Fashion Week

‘Ksatria’ Menutup Pekan Mode

Public interest against the event of Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) for a whole week, finally closed with 'Dewi Fashion Knights' on 18 November 2011. With the theme 'Celebrating Women', Dewi Fashion Knights beat the gong with a spectacular closing Auguste Soesastro, Sally Koeswanto, Sapto Djojokartiko, Sebastian Gunawan, and Tex Saverio.
The first collection was opened by Sebastian Gunawan. Weaving arrowroot with playful patterns and bright colors blend successfully transformed into a very modern motif. Accented with lace and feathers are applied to the material that is lightweight and float, creating instant glamor with ease.

Another with the famous Sally Koeswanto with provocative designs. The collection is inspired by the passion Asia include gold color dresses with sequins sparkle and luxurious draping and large-volume blue bolero with crochet accents that blend shorts for a casual look. Hand embroidery Asia emerged in the form of peacock feathers on collared cheongsam dress. The presence of yellow and blue kimono climb upward on the collar make this dress as if it looks like a dragon's head.

Auguste Soesastro comes with a collection featuring the best material from nature-pineapple fibers to dye all his work! Concern for the environment set out in shades of fashion is dominated by the color of sand. Clear design lines and simple construction envisaged in a dress with pleated detail and line. Copper-colored dress, black and metallic orange which consists of two pieces of clothing is a dress that most attention.
After Auguste, came Sapto Djojokartiko with an inspired collection of traditional stories Candidates Charcoal. Sapto personal pour Charcoal strong candidate in the game textures. 
Long dress with a mermaid silhouette, embroidery, and sequins adorn many visible tulle material and material gold, copper, and silver volume. Sapto sparkling collection certainly succeeded in making the audience breathless fashion.
Tex Saverio, a lot of designers who highlighted JFW since its emergence in the last year, boldly took the ordinary artisan carving work on the house for fashion detail. No longer process the clothing in terms of volume, it is now more focused on accuracy of detail. Carving a swathe of gold and the whole collection together.Did not take long to impress the audience, details of carving statues of angels on the first clothing company received a standing ovation! Tex-themed collection of 'The Revelation' is a collection that covers a series of events last JFW 2012. See you at the Jakarta Fashion Week 2013!

Gaya Kasual Barli

Indonesia is a unique female beauty, nature, and upholds the strong self-esteem The Body Shop was inspired to produce work that encourages women to bring up the true beauty Indonesia them. Concern is in line with the vision Barli Asmara, the designer famous for its eye-catching design and detail drapping. The works Barli always comes up with a different view, more modest but still with the peculiarity that show excess in every detail.

The vision of this line is expected to realize the dream of an Indonesian woman who wants to look beautiful in a beautiful selection of clothing and natural makeup. That is the reason behind 'The Body Shop Show: Flare of Beauty' with a collection of ready-to-wear Barli beautiful and feminine in her natural makeup from The Body Shop. Show a similar vision of collaboration that melt was held on the last day of Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2012, 18 November 2011.

The selection of materials are important focus Barli in designing clothing for active women who live in the tropical climate of Indonesia. Through a feminine design, juggling Barli vest with a line with a drapery bubuhan peek at the bottom, almost like the skirt! Lace is also a material that often appears in this collection, such as applications in the blue jumpsuit with rope loops at the waist to create a graceful silhouette of a woman. In addition, the trench coat with a blend of shorts and a shirt like answering short-suit trend next year.

Peach, beige, and a row of pastel color palette is a collection of choice in Barli this time, although there are some surprises tropical colors like coral and yellow sparks fresh gave the softness of its design. Barli and the idea for The Body Shop
Indonesia raised the confidence of women managed to plug a new standard for the selection of casual clothing is comfortable and still stylish.

Flab and Gam

This time the label retail from the United States collaborated with the label bebe Evita Peroni accessories in the event the last day of Jakarta Fashion Week (JFW) 2012, 18 November 2011.
These two labels managed to leave a strong impression on her sexy and charming character through clothing and accessories collection alloys in this show.

The first sequence is dominated semi-formal dress that fit perfectly worn career woman who wants to look more bold. Silhouette shift dress, blazer, pants, one-shoulder dress, tube dress with accent panels decorate the Pacific Place Promenade stage that afternoon. Material jersey, satin, cotton, and lace combine glamor in her shades of gray, dark blue, beige, and black.

Furthermore, the stage is marked by a casual look a sleeveless top and cropped jacket with a blend of washed out denim, mini skirts and mini dresses are gorgeous leather, chiffon, sequins up. In the last round, dominated the collection bebe dress sexy evening shades of silver, gray, red, and black. Really look perfect on the material sequins, feathers, satin, and chiffon!

Tempting choices on the one-shoulder gown cut, asymmetric, and the perfect body hugging halter dress the models. Games wrinkle, ruffle, as well as accent stones adorn the collection bebe still in this sequence. Through this show, a collection of collaboration between the bebe Evita Peroni and successfully hypnotized the audience with a charming dress and a sprinkling of rock, stud, and the shades of black feathers, red and gold on the whole accessory.

Ivana Sitanggang (Covering Tim Femina)
Choose a dress / KEBAYA WEDDING
Looking for a wedding dress or wedding kebaya for you is a very pleasant thing. Or bridal salons usually offer a variety of models or kebaya dress in one size. Wedding dress takes a special good design and size. Ideally it takes about 9-12 months before H. Similarly, the bridesmaid dresses.

9-12 Months Earlier

Begin to think the dress will you wear. Think of six things that stand out to you, how to look bright, sweet, elegant, luxurious, sexy, and others. This can help you choose the dress.

A. Select the day, date, and notice how you make a formal party.
2. Specify a dress that fit with your body figure.
3. Browse a wide selection of dress or kebaya on the internet or magazines and then select and contact the vendor of design do you like best.
4. Take the paper and correction or kebaya dress, and wrote parts you do not like, for the fox.
Budget 5.Tentukan dress / kebaya you, so do not spend the cost for your wedding.

8 Months Earlier

Find two or three that match your bridal. Ask for references from friends who are married. Checks which are working with bridal designer you like. Call and make an agreement, give about an hour for a salon that you like.
Prepare your action. Bridal provides some essential, but it could not hurt you prepare at home for example (tank top and high heeled shoes are about the same as you wear at the wedding.
When shopping note the address and designers you like and write a description of the dress / kebaya and its price.
Consult with the measure and asked for an extra 1-2 cm, so that if there are errors in the repair easier.
7 Months Earlier

Specify dress / kebaya that you will use and go back to the bridal / salon.
In the bridal / salon, ask if the dress / kebaya has coordinated with the accessories and try to object. Do not be afraid to order something, because you still have time.
6 Months Earlier

Dress message you want. Make sure these are some important things written in your contract:

A. Name of the designer.
2. Style number or name.
3. Size as it travels to the seamstresses.
4. Date of delivery of goods.
5. How many fittings are included in the price.
6. How much money should be paid for the dress / kebaya.
7. Deposit the amount you pay

5 Months Earlier

Call the bridal to confirm the delivery date
Specify accessories - shoes, lingerie, jewelry, headwear, gloves, and so forth. Purchase these accessories if nothing in it.
If you intend to manage weight, do it now when the fitting has not been done. When the fitting is done try to control your weight.
Week 6

At the first fitting, invite friends or relatives and ask for their comments. Use all the accessories are there to look at your overall appearance. Do not force your favorite color if it does not look pretty when you wear.

4-5 Week

Fitting a second.
The length of the dress fitting on the end of your shoe.
You can move comfortably.
No wrinkles, waves, or a clear pull on your dress.
Continue fitting to fit your body.
Bring your companion to try the dress. Make sure they know what to do.
3 Weeks Earlier

Schedule day and time to take on the bridal gown. We recommend that you try again, so you are sure your dress is ready for use.
The wedding, the wedding ring is something that is indispensable to the party as a whole. Various models of the ring in a variety of materials available and the option for the wear.

Gold and Platinum          

Value of the gold ring is influenced design, weight, and carat. Karat (K) is the gold content in the mixture which is worth 24K pure form. Less suitable in the pure ring for a wedding ring because it is soft and easily deformed due to day-to-hari.emas mixed with other metals such as nickel, zinc, and copper for reinforcement. 18K gold or gold levels of 75 percent of the general make the choice. Alternatives to gold is platinum (platinum) are colored white sheen and classic style. Platinum ring is determined by kadardalam mixed with other metals are iridium or ritherium. Levels of platinum plate 900 units / PT means a mixture comprising 90 percent platinum and 10 percent iridium.
Steps to choosing a wedding ring:      

Decide on a budget that is in use. Ring prices are generally determined by weight and grade bahannya.bila budget is not big enough, Ceramic with low levels but still consider the quality and design. Another way to avoid buying when demand is crowded.
Gather as much information as possible. Wear a wedding ring on the need to pay attention to the design value, quality-made, and convenience in usage. Convenience is a factor which is quite a role in compliance and finger ring size. As a precaution, an additional ring without a stone ornament is a flexible alternative if it will do the changes in size or design.
The wedding, the wedding ring is something that is indispensable to the party as a whole. Various models of the ring in a variety of materials available and the option for the wear.

Gold and Platinum

Value of the gold ring is influenced design, weight, and carat. Karat (K) is the gold content in the mixture which is worth 24K pure form. Less suitable in the pure ring for a wedding ring because it is soft and easily deformed due to day-to-hari.emas mixed with other metals such as nickel, zinc, and copper for reinforcement. 18K gold or gold levels of 75 percent of the general make the choice. Alternatives to gold is platinum (platinum) are colored white sheen and classic style. Platinum ring is determined by kadardalam mixed with other metals are iridium or ritherium. Levels of platinum plate 900 units / PT means a mixture comprising 90 percent platinum and 10 percent iridium.

Steps to choosing a wedding ring:

Decide on a budget that is in use. Ring prices are generally determined by weight and grade bahannya.bila budget is not big enough, Ceramic with low levels but still consider the quality and design. Another way to avoid buying when demand is crowded.
Gather as much information as possible. Wear a wedding ring on the need to pay attention to the design value, quality-made, and convenience in usage. Convenience is a factor which is quite a role in compliance and finger ring size. As a precaution, an additional ring without a stone ornament is a flexible alternative if it will do the changes in size or design.